Las cadenas de la ilusión. Una autobiografía intelectual


ISBN: 9789501294569

Sin existencias


There are some forty books written by Erich Fromm (1900-1980), and at least forty million copies of these have been sold worldwide. But there is only one book–Beyond the Chains of Illusion–in which Fromm gives an intimate insight into his life: the development of his ideas and his approach as a humanist and scientist. First published in 1962 and long unavailable, Beyond the Chains of Illusion is, only on first glance, a book about Marx and Freud–those two intellectual giants seemingly so out of fashion in a new millennium. Fromm here shows himself an outstanding interpreter of Marx, as seen in Marx’s Concept of Man as well (which is also published by Continuum). In all, Fromm’s recreation of the Freudian and Marxist way of thinking is, in essence, a look at the individual and society. In this sense, Beyond the Chains of Illusion represents a true encounter with Marx and Freud. It will introduce many of today’s readers to unknown aspects of Marx and Freud. In a condensed and concise way, Beyond the Chains of Illusion serves as a unique introduction to the life and work of Erich Fromm as well.

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Clasificación: Adultos
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